A pioneering documentary by professional underwater and wildlife cameraman, Jack Perks, ‘Britain’s Hidden Fishes’ explores coastlines, chalk streams, lakes and rivers to put a spotlight on the underdogs of British fauna; our fish. Shot over two years, the film brings a new light on the intriguing behaviours and diversity of fish, bringing light to an often overlooked part of the natural world which we live alongside. Watch the trailer here.
Fondly nicknamed “The Fish Twitcher”, you may have enjoyed seeing some of Jack’s underwater work on TV programmes such as BBC Springwatch, The One Show and Countryfile – along with the recent David Attenborough documentary, Wild Isles.
Jack is also author of the Freshwater Fishes of Britain and the Field Guide to Pond & River Wildlife of Britain & Europe, and hosts discussions on nature on his popular podcast, The Bearded Tit.
Hosted at Ouseburn Farm as part of the Wild Talks winter series, Wild Intrigue are proud to welcome Jack Perks to introduce his film, Britain’s Hidden Fishes, and to host a Q&A following the film (which runs for 1 hour 25 minutes).
Open and free to all, light refreshments will be provided. Please book your place in advance, please arrive 10 minutes before the start time to get a cuppa and find a seat for a 6pm start.
Image credit: Jack Perks.